Are you being the mom you want to be?

In 5 minutes a day you can change the way you think, feel and show up for your family.

Are you being the mom you want to be?

In 5 minutes a day you can change the way you think, feel and show up for your family.

 Alignment Journaling is helping thousands of moms think, feel and do better! Come experience the joy of being the mom you want to be.

Slow down your mind and write. 

Ready to think better, no matter the circumstances?

I need this!

You may not see it now... but I used to believe that "I am angry and reactive." I would yell and ignore others, and was far from who I wanted to be.
During my first pregnancy, I decided enough was enough and I became obsessed with what I could control. 
My thoughts. 
I started a unique journaling style that brought me relief, excitement and action plans I could implement each day! 
I have used the Alignment Journaling method for six years and now I teach you how to do it, too.  

Welcome to the Alignment Journaling Course 

Your mind can serve you.

" I love how I can search my heart before journaling to identify what I really need and where my mind really needs rehearsal. Confidence has never come naturally to me, until I started your journaling practice. I now feel confident as a mother, wife, friend, and in validating myself."

— katy smith

"Journaling has changed my life!"

I used to believe that I couldn't be who I want to be if something wasn't going "right" aka "my way."
Motherhood was my wake up call.
I knew my kids are born innocent and I am the one raising them.
I became determined to understand and change myself. I was so sick of ignoring my husband, yelling at others, blaming my son waking up early for my crappy mood... the list goes on. I didn't like who I thought I was. I wanted better for myself.
It's okay if you do, too!!

My thoughts used to own me, too.
Now I own them. 

I finally realized that change is a choice I needed to make.

i get it.

The Alignment Journaling Course


Become the master of your mindset!
 This course will teach you how to think with empowerment to create feelings of empowerment and (you guessed it) have new actions of empowerment. 

It's time to align your mindset with who you WANT to be so you can fully think, feel and be like her. If you have felt at a loss of who you are and even believed "I lost myself in motherhood" then rest assured this lesson will bring change and restored life to YOU.

Learn how to keep your mind on track no matter where you are, who you're with or what seems stacked against you in life. This lesson ensures everything your write stays intentional and effective to building a mindset you can thrive with. If your mind constantly says "I don't want..." and looks at most things negatively, then this is the medicine you've been needing!

Here's What You'll Learn

Who Are You?

The Three P's

Lesson one

lesson tw0

Now you will learn an easy 3 step system to get your journaling practice in an empowered flow every single time. This system is clear enough for you to follow and flexible enough to be applied to any circumstance and feeling. The blank page becomes your best friend and masterpiece. 

Fill The Page

lesson four

You do this everyday and it's likely you're doing it wrong. Mentally rehearsing yelling at your kids, feeling resentful towards your spouse, tired in the morning and frustrated at the day! It's so exhausting to have your mind working against you. This lesson teaches you how to use mental rehearsal in a life altering way that keeps you showing up as who you want to be!

Mental Rehearsal

lesson three


Complete clarity in who you are and how to be that woman.

How does this sound?

Overcome the self-limiting thoughts and feelings.



the results you're going to get:

Change the way you show up to your circumstances. Nighttime wakings, included! 


Feel the weight of negative thoughts, anxiety and "worst case scenarios" melt off of you!


View yourself as an empowered woman showing up in the life made just for her and create what you desperately want.


count me in!

How It Works

become aware of who you currently believe you are and how your thoughts have not served you.

First you'll

take messy action to slow and flip the thoughts racing in your mind to become a narrative of empowerment. 

Then we'll

 new mindset will create new feelings and that will lead to your new empowered actions!

finally youR

"I am communicating with my family and myself differently. I’m encouraging myself for the first time in my life. Thank you for helping me take some of my power back from anxiety!!"


got her power back

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


real results

One WEEK from now you
will have wished you started today....

So let's get started!

"This work transformed my relationship with my husband!"

"The other day he asked me to go to menards with him and I said yes (old me would've been dragging my feet) but this week I was like YES and the whole time just admired him, grateful he is a handyman doing the work he's doing on our home and such a stud! I had goals that this work would change me but it's totally changing the way I look at him and I cannot begin to explain how much that means to me!!"


transformed her marriage

Yes, It Really Works

"Journaling has become essential in starting my day."

Tessa's course has given me all the tools to flip the script and mentally rehearse all the things (tantrums, new schedules, road trips... you name it) in order to show up for myself and my family!


changed my life

"I was the MOST resentful person, and this course is the tool I needed to change!"

"It's that simple. I was searching and searching for an answer to my anger for yearsm and this has been it. I am so freaking thankful I stumbled upon Tessa's profile, and it changed my life by giving me a different viewpoint. I:ve literally recommend it to everyone I know since starting 3 weeks ago! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


turned it all around

Skip the trial and error, more error and excuses for why "you can't."
Learn how to rock your mindset and put energy back into your life!
You will never go back to who you were once you get a taste of who you can be, the feelings you can experience and the actions you can take.
The Alignment Journaling Course has been proven by myself and thousands of other women around the world.

If you're anything like me, you want a proven road map and community.

You want to learn what works.

You're in the right place.

An entire "resource" section right on your course account with prompts and examples right from Tessa.

Grab your course today and receive a special offer...

special offer

Bonus Resources Section


Nothing outside of you can control within you. That's you sis.

Know how to align your mindset with who you want to be. 

Consider your journal a safe haven of clarity, empowerment and peace.

Be able to create new feelings and actions to serve you in your daily life. 

Laugh at negative thoughts that have zero power of you and your choices.  

Increase your energy and emotional wellness in a healthy and sustainable way.

Have a realistic practice of mental self-care to serve you through every season of life. 

Using The Alignment Journaling Course, you will...

get the course

"I’m feeling more and more like the mom and wife I want to be during life’s up’s and downs. Thank you, Tessa!."


"The Alignment Journaling Course has been so helpful!"

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

I'm Tessa,

Honestly, I have a lot of freaking fun as a wife, mother and woman each day. Even though it was a tough road to learn how to be the empowered woman I am today, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat just to be who I am today.  It is time you learned how to have an empowered mindset that leads to positive thoughts, feelings and actions in your life. Life can be hard enough as it is, we certainly do not need our thoughts making it harder!

hey there!

Start right where you are at.

I'll be honest, I used to write about the hard stuff. How much I hated this person, how unfair life was, how much better this person was than me... I wrote how I felt.
I didn't know that my thoughts were creating those feelings.

Once I learned the Alignment Journaling method I was instantly hooked. I could feel myself changing from the inside out! 

I stopped trying to control what was outside of me and instead I heard my mind directing me to what is in my control. Day by day, I'd journal and change. Journal and change, journal and change. Until one day I had found that I had completely transformed.

 use today the starting line, not the finish line.

This course is the only one of its kind because...

We recondition your mind to truly think differently instead of accepting it as is.

We focus on YOU. Who you are choosing to be in your circumstance, not if the circumstances are fair or not. This is crushing the victim mentality and stepping into total empowerment. GOLDEN GOODNESS!
The next time your mind gives you a negative thought, you will know exactly what to do with it. All of the new mental rehearsal will effectively direct your new mindset throughout the day instead of a "try this and hope it sticks." 
A tantrum is what it is and you will never control it, but you can control what you think about it, how you feel about it and what you do about it. The more you change, the more the circumstances will change too. 

experience positive results after one writing session!

How badly do you want to change the way you handle your circumstances?  
Imagine peaking to your spouse in a way of grace and composure because YOU took the time to teach your mind how to do that. 
Responding to tantrums in a way that you feel proud of during and afterwards, instead of feeling flooded with guilt for yelling.
Observing your circumstances instead of reacting to them. 
This journaling practice works when you put pen to paper and tell your mind what to think and get out of that negative loop you've been stuck in!

Study at your own pace

Easy to follow video modules and pdf material

Connect with open minded women on our monthly coaching session

Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to own your mindset.

 This is the tool you have been looking for to completely flip the story in your mind to be one that serves you, but you gotta do the work. Open the course and put pen to paper even when your thoughts say "I don't feel like it."  Are you going to accept that?

Being who you want to be.

Thinking greater than your circumstances.

Having a powerful mental self-care practice.

Knowing exactly how you will show up in what once felt impossible to handle. 

Your mind being a beautiful place to live with gorgeous thoughts that empower you. 

Feeling more empowered, energized, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

Make THIS the day that you *finally* commit to:


This      for you if:

you are ready to be who you want to be.

You want to continue blaming others for who you choose to be.

you are willing to make the time to journal for a minimum of 5 min a day.


you want to step into empowerment and out of the role of the victim.

It's probably       for you if...

you see no value in improving your thoughts, feelings and actions.



It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

How long does it take to complete the course?

This is a self-guided course laid out in four easy to follow lessons. You can finish it easily in one day or break it up at your own pace. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need more help?

I send you a Monday coaching email for inspiration and coaching, as well as joining a once a month live coaching session in the community. 

Can I have access to the past resources? 

You have an entire "resource" tab on your course account! Birth, Postpartum, Marriage, Relationship With Yourself, emails and coaching recordings are all right there for you!

Is my mindset too far gone?!

Oh no, my friend! You are exactly where you are meant to be and your mind has simply learned throughout life. Now you get to teach it a very specific and intentional way of thinking!

What is included in the course?

Open your course and you will find an introduction video followed by four smooth lessons that have video and pdf materials to coach you through. Then explore the "resources" to get more examples, coaching and inspiration! 

Who is this course for?

Anyone wanting to change their mindset to work for them. My coaching is geared towards women in all stages of life!

Does vision work with my faith?

Vision is simply what you see your life looking like and is applied beautifully to faith because a life full of faith is more peaceful and exciting.  

What about faith and journaling?

Alignment Journaling gives you the freedom to add your faith in perfectly, or not! You do not need to have faith in your journaling practice for it to be successful. 


Students who have taken this course


Number of times I cried about that


Monthly emails you receive to coach you on a mindset topic


Monthly group coaching session with Tessa to receive coaching
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your yourself is an important one! Let's get your questions answered!

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